High Wire Garden Wildschoenau
High Wire Adventure Garden in Oberau
The 1. Natur High Wiregarden Wildschönau is a special adventure. This park has best contitions for Teamtrainings, educational programs for schools or teengroups.
At the Wirepark are naturaly trees conected with ropes and you stay about 17 - 21 meters high over the earth. Even it is the higest High Wirepark in Tyrol and Austria. 27 Stations in 3 different categorys you have to go.
The Wire Park gives you self confidence and team spirit even as leader attitudes and stress reduction. To be succesful at the park you not have to bee trained or especialy persistent.
The Naturgarden is all times a good adventure. On each tour you will have new experience.
The guide tours are 100 % secure and are leadet profisionell.
Even in winter the High Wire Garden is opened.
Kid's have to be at least 1,40 meter and escortet by 1 adult person.