
Alpinolino Westendorf children discoverer and Game Park

Alpinolino Westendorf children discoverer and Game Park

Alpinolino westendorf-tirol tyrol-austria-playpark-for-childrenrace-kids-play-play-park Alpinolino westendorf-discoverer park

Only about 12 km from our apartment house Astoria away the lies
ultimate discovery park for adventurers and alpine enthusiasts. There is a wide variety of adventures such as the Animal-House Tour

or the exciting marmot rally to exist. playground-kids-wildschoenau-tirol-play-stations brixental-climbing wall, petting zoo

playful way to explore here the secrets of the Alps.
learn how far a deer can jump, what animals are
there in the mountains and where are all in the winter?

deer-park-kids-petting zoo-animalssmart-berger Alpinolino westendorf-brixental

From the start through multiple game stations for marmot observation station and the eagle's nest at some places you have to already be a real rate artists to exist. Then you make it with a lot of body skill on shoot-engine balance obstacles to children's climbing wall . Supports one is in this world adventure from the friendly smart aleck.

computer game kids play park, fun park-children bunny-petting-tirol-austria-vacation

playground-westendorf-tyrol-fun-for-kids-children-fun park games world-vacation-with-children
Of about 1.5 km long Alpinolino is the ideal playground for children from
5-15 years and nat. all inquisitive young dependents to 99 years.

 The park is located on the beautiful Choralpe and gives parents the same time
 the possibility for lasting approximately 1 hour hike the fabulous
surroundings of the Kitzbühel Alps to enjoy. 


The highlight is the annually held in mid-August duck

Alpinolino Summer Olympics

A competition with a lot of sports, games and fun for all involved.
park to continue on a gondola ride with amazing scenery and great

 views of the Brixen Valley, the Hohe Salve and Wilder Kaiser .

long jump-match-kids-childs-game park     

The Heavenly companion in Alpinolino. Alpinolino alpolino-westendorf play-park-kids-play-park nature-experience-family-fun-park

 "Wings" Bert accompanied both large and small explorers
and adventurers in Alpinolino Westendorf through the park

  can explore the sky rising and rates and Researching on
the different feeding stations.

 A funny game and hiking fun for the whole family. Hiding like a marmot , the weasel and the running hare to race, the Holzwurmweg go

race, children's play-tirol-austria-kitzbuehel-adventure-childs-summer vacation, family vacation
  to the summit with the Aerie climb or in the
experience flight school feel of Eagle Bert:

 In Alpinolino learn young explorers know the nature.
 At many educational stations can the mountains
  on imaginative and with their animals and plants
find lovingly way.

children playground-west-village-children-tyrol tirol vacation-holiday-with-kids
 Among them were are Alpinolino mountain guide sly , large
  and small naturalists happy to reveal new things about the mountains.

  , the motto is "Make up your mind!"

In many of the educational stations can be in the A lpinolino
the Tyrolean mountains with their animals and plants

flower-children playground-petting-zoo-childrens-tyrol-family-vacation-rental austria accomodationexperienced a particularly impressive way. Well "looked after" is
  the tour from Alpinolino mountain guide sly, with the mountain
receives equal more life and a whole lot of fun!

Guided adventure tours:

Under the motto "with courage and without Mama" offers Alpinolino also guided tours through the educational Park

children group-adventure-explorer-game group-Alpinolino westendorf

Opening times:

from mid-May to mid-October, von 8.30 bis 17.00 clock without a lunch break



Astoria Apartments Wildschoenau
Tyrol Holidays
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