Mountainbiking in Wildschönau
Perfekte Mountainbikerouten
The highvalley Wildschönau has perfect situation for Mountainbiketrips.
The soft made mountaings, the high and the natur are amazing for lot of people.
In conection with neighbor region Hohe Salve and Alpbachtal friends of Mountainbike find a big numbers of possibilities.
Official bikeways you can find on walking card Wildschönau.
More and more modern E-Bikes come into Tyrol. Enjoy your Biketrip to the pastures of Wildschönau without stress.
Mountainbike and E-Bikes for hire you get in following stores.
Guided Tour and hire at Sport Blachfelder (until End september):
Sporthaus Blachfelder, Niederau, 6314 Wildschönau
Tel. 0043 5339 8188-58,
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Each wednesday guided tour for beginners 2h
Start 9:30 o clock, registration until sunday 18:00 at Sport Blachfelder or direct at nr. 0664 4336869. Price: without Bike € 12,--, with Bike € 20,--
Individual guided trips on request.
MB Hire
Top Bikes Merida.
Price: 1/2 day (4hours) € 12,--, Full day € 20,--, Price incl. helm
NEW NEW NEW E-bikes to rent!
Merida-Bikes. Costs € 35,-- each day.
Sporthaus Sandbichler, Oberau, 6311 Wildschönau (next to church)
Tel. 05339/8180,,
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Hireprice: € 18,-- to 20,-- each day, half day € 9,-- to 13,--

Bikeguiding Alpin Hopfgarten
The Bikeprofis from Alpin Hopfgarten start daily to different trips in and round the region.
You can choose between 3 different categories. Group-Prices (Group 3-6 persons:
Easy Tour: 9.30 - 13.00 o clock € 28-- (incl. rental bike € 38--)
Medium Tour: 9.30 - 15.00 o clock € 35,--(incl. rental bike € 48--)
Extrem Tour: 9.30 - 17.00 Uhr € 42,-- (incl. rental bike € 57--)
Personal Guiding
Go with personal Guide a individual Tour.
1 hour € 42,--
2,5 hours € 90,--
4-5 hours € 160,--
Special Offers:
Every Wednesday - Mountainbike Trial
Every Thursday - guided E-Biketour incl. Lunch
Kids Technique Training
Road Bike
Bikeguiding Alpin Hopfgarten
Meierhofgasse 29
A-6361 Hopfgarten
0043 664 3434088
Hier gehts zur digitalen Wanderkarte der Wildschönau!
Einfach im Suchfeld links oben den gewünschten Ort
(Niederau - Oberau - Auffach...) eingeben und los gehts!!