
Bambini Cup Kufstein tennis tournament

Every year in July the
Bambini Cup Kufstein
instead of
Organizer is the
Tennis Club Sparkasse Kufstein
The games are played in Kiefersfelden, Ebbs, Kufstein and Schwoich!
tennis tournament-bambini-cup-kufstein-tennis match-space-court game-set-point tiebreak-youth tournament
The international European elite is here to compete for the coveted trophies!
Fierce tennis matches in the beautiful scenery of the Tirole mountains!
At the Bambinicup Kufstein meet the absolute best of the youth tennis world.
Youth classes of the U12 and U14 from all over the world compete here.
In total, over 400 participants from 43 nations are expected.
At the edge of this event, tennis players find perfect training conditions at the tennis court Wildschönau!
The apartment houses Astoria or Tennladen are ideally located nearby and the use of the tennis court is included!


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Astoria Apartments

A-6311 Wildschönau Tirol bambini-cup-kufstein-tennis-tournament-tennis-games-court-International-tournament-tirol-austria-atp-tennis-match-game uebungsplatz-wildschoenau-tc-accomodation




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