
Arrival description Astoria Appartements Wildschönau Tyrol Austria

Your way to us! You want will go back at home!

anreise-wildscheonau-auto-abfahrt  Arrival by car!

The Wildschönau is in the middle of München and Innsbruck! Best you take the highway exit Wörgl Ost afterwards follow the street to woergl. About 100 metes after the church there is a crossing where you have to take the left direciton to Wildschönau. Follow the L3 landstr. until the second down Oberau (1. down is Niederau).

In pas the chirch and go downhill, after 300 meters you see on the right side the Cafe Moorhof. Directly there on the other side of street is the access to our House Astoria (in 2. row).
For cheaper arrival without pay the austrian road tax (only to pay on highways) you have to leave the highway in D-Kiefersfelden and follow the landstreet first to Kufstein over Kirchbichl to Wörgl.

zug-bahnhof-woergl-bahnreise-zugfahrt    Arrival by train!

Go by train to station Wörgl! At the station in Wörgl a repeatetly daily drive busses with direction Wildschönau! Take the bus until station Hauptschule Oberau! Therefrom you have a walk from about 100 meters to downhill to our house.

Connections by train

From  Airport Munich 1 - 2 x hour starts a train to (price starts € 32,20) Wörgl!
First train 6:04 Uhr - last connection 0:44 Uhr!

From Airport Salzburg lately all 1,5 Stunden hours goes a train to Wörgl! Costs between € 10,-- and about € 35,--.
First train 6:16 Uhr last train 23:30 Uhr!

From Innsbruck 3 trains each hour drive to Wörgl! Tarif starts € 12,--.
First train 6:02 Uhr last train 22:52 Uhr!

Here you can check all details to the train connection:



       Busconnection from Wörgl-Bahnhof to and in the Wildschönau!
                                   (Click on photo to get the plan)



flugzeug-flugreise-fliegen-reise-wildschoenau    Arrival by airplane!

The Wildschönau is reachable from 3 different airports. Innsbruck (60 KM)- Salzburg (100 KM) - Munich (130 KM). Directly on Airport Munich all 5 Minutes drives the S-Bahn, take these train until station Munich Ostbahnhof. Therefrom with train to Wörgl.
From Wörgl with the bus to the Wildschönau!



           Rent a car!


You wanna hire a car? Starting by under € 190,--/week from airport munich and by under 220,--/week from airport Innsbruck or Salzburg you can get a car with full casco and thievery insurance. (retention € 300,--) for expl. at the company!
From Airport Munich to our house you will drive about 1,5 hours! From Innsbruck or Salzburg about 1 hour with the rental car!


We wish you a comfortable trip.

On arrivalday you can check in from 16.00 Uhr and by departure you should leave until about 10.00 Uhr.  If you wanna arrive before or leave late you may let your baggage in an extra room at our house in this time.

Astoria Appartements Wildschönau, Schatzparkweg 280, A-6311 Oberau Wildschoenau, +43 6642311864, Diese E-Mail-Adresse ist vor Spambots geschützt! Zur Anzeige muss JavaScript eingeschaltet sein! ,



Astoria Apartments Wildschoenau
Tyrol Holidays

Tolles Angebot *** Wir bieten die passende Unterkunft dazu!!!

We have the perfect accommodation for you!!!!


Mit freundlichen Grüßen aus dem schönsten Hochtal der Alpen

Astoria Appartements Wildschönau
Fam. Ehammer 
Schatzparkweg 280
A-6311 Oberau - Wildschönau


Tel. +43 664 231 1864
Tel. +43 664 134 5697

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P.S.Ausführliche Infos zu beiden Häusern und der Wildschönau finden Sie auf unserer Homepage:

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