Holiday with children Kite Club Tirol Austria Adventure Week
... phone required at 8255, not later than 17.00 clock and on Sundays and public holidays until 11.30 clock the day before.
The Dragon Club takes place from mid June to end of October. ...
Mountainbiking in Wildschönau
Each wednesday guided tour for beginners 2h
Start 9:30 o clock, registration until sunday 18:00 at Sport Blachfelder or direct at nr. 0664 4336869. Price: without Bike € 12,--, with Bike ...
Farmers museum Wilschönau
... dollies, pinning and baking bread.
The Marked is from last week in may to first week in october always from 13.00 - 17.00 o clock.
A must are the original Schmalznudeln ...
Snowshoe Winter Walking Wildschönau
... sleigh and go back over Romantic Sleighway Penning.
Tour starts every monday from Niederau and Fryday from Penningdörfl at 9.30 o clock.
Costs: € 29,-- including stock for hire, ...
Ski School Wildschönau
Weekly in Niederau at Stenzerlift 20.30 o clock on sunday there is the big Skishow of the Ski School Wildschönau. There you may have a look to amazing ...
Arrival Description Astoria Apartments Austria Tyrol
... Wörgl: 20,--
We wish you a comfortable and relaxed journey.
Arriving is possible from 16.00 o clock and Appartements should be leaved on last day at 10.00 o clock maximum. If your arrival ...
Hiking and biking in the Kitzbühel Alps Tirol
... we ourselves constantly in the Kitzbühel Alps .'re traveling, we are happy if we can show our guests this beautiful world
Every Thursday at 07.30 clock we start our house Astoria to a small ...
Walkings and Bicycletrips with us in the Kitzbuehel Mountains
... appresciate whe we can show our guests this great area.
Every thursday at 07.30 o clock we start to a small walking trip (2-3 hours).
Call us lately on day bevore if you wanna go with us. ...
Arrivée Astoria Autriche Apartments Wildschönau Tirol Hotel
... direction Wörgl! Tarif entre € 10, - et environ € 35, -. ! Premier train 06:16 23:30 clock dernière connexion de Innsbruck fonctionner horaire. 3 trains Wörgl! Prix à partir de € 12, -. 06:02 Premier ...
Arriva per Casa Astoria Appartamenti Camera Wildschönau Hotel
Come trovarci! Modo che non si vuole essere in ogni caso!
Viaggiano in auto privata!
Wildschönau è nel mezzo tra Monaco e Innsbruck ! E 'meglio prendere ...
Příjezd Astoria Rakousko Apartments Wildschönau
... 1,5 hodiny pro vlaky ze směru Wörgl! Tarif mezi € 10, - a asi € 35, -. ! 6:16 První vlak 23:30 hodiny clock Poslední připojení od Innsbrucku spustit každou hodinu. 3 vlaky Wörgl! Cena od € 12, -. 06:02 ...
príjazd Astoria apartmány Wildschönau hotel dovolená zotavenie
... pre vlaky zo smeru Wörgl! Tarifa medzi € 10, - a asi € 35, -. ! 6:16 Prvý vlak 23:30 hodiny clock Posledné pripojenie od Innsbrucku spustiť každú hodinu. 3 vlaky Wörgl! Cena od € 12, -. 06:02 Prvý vlak ...
chegada astoria Austria apartamentos Wildschönau hotel férias recuperação
... -. ! 06:16 Primeiro trem 23:30 clock última conexão de Innsbruck executado de hora em hora. 3 trens Wörgl! Taxa de € 12, -. 06:02 Primeiro trem 22:52 clock último elo!
Sjekk Astoria Austria Apartments Wildschönau Osterikke
... reise entspannde.
Våre leiligheter tilgjengelig ved ankomst fra 16.00 klokke tilgjengelig og bør før om 10.00 Clock vil forlate ved utsjekking. Skulle du ønske å komme tidligere eller la senere, ...
arrivée Astoria Autriche appartements wildschönau hôtel fête récupération Hotel
... les trains en provenance de direction Wörgl! Tarif entre € 10, - et environ € 35, -. ! Premier train 06:16 23:30 clock dernière connexion de Innsbruck fonctionner horaire. 3 trains Wörgl! Prix à partir ...
ankomst astoria Austria lejligheder Wildschönau hotel ferie inddrivelse
... behagelig rejse entspannde.
Vores lejligheder er til rådighed ved ankomsten fra 16.00 ur til rådighed og bør indtil omkring 10.00 Clock vil efterlade ved check ud. Hvis du ønsker at ankomme tidligere ...
příjezd Astoria apartmány Austria Rakousko Wildschönau hotel dovolená zotavení
... vekehren konce. každých 1,5 hodiny pro vlaky ze směru Wörgl! Tarif mezi € 10, - a asi € 35, -. ! 6:16 První vlak 23:30 hodiny clock Poslední připojení od Innsbrucku spustit každou hodinu. 3 vlaky Wörgl! ...
пристигане Astoria апартаменти Вилдшонау хотел празник възстановяване Austria
Нашите апартаменти са на разположение при пристигането от 16.00 часовник съществува и трябва, докато за 10,00 Clock ще напусне при напускане. Ако желаете да пристигнат по-рано или да напуснат по-късно, ...